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Volunteer Opportunities

AAP welcomes involvement from all our active AAP members.  Most committee positions are only eligible to academic psychiatrists who hold early career to esteemed positions.  Residents/Fellows are welcome to apply for involvement in the following committees: Trainee Engagement, Poster Subcommittee, Communications, IDEA Committees.  At this time, Medical Students are not eligible to join a committee, however, are encouraged to participate in the AAP Annual Meeting and may create an account to join the AAP database and stay in the loop about AAP happenings!

The information below provides more detailed information.

Contact Lisa Hedrick in the AAP Executive Office, or 770.222.2265 to express your interest.

Current Committees and Task Forces

Annual Meeting Program Committee
Charged with designing a comprehensive educational experience including plenary, concurrent, and poster sessions using evaluation and needs assessment data, educational abstract submissions, and knowledge of current issues.

Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Subcommittee
Charged with promoting the AAP Annual Meeting to local departments, coordinating efforts with AAP staff to secure Annual Meeting Night Out location, and contributing to location blog (e.g., restaurants, activities, etc.).

Annual Meeting Master Educator Program Subcommittee

Charged with designing the Master Educator Program, an ongoing three-year series of educational workshops that provides psychiatric educators the additional skills needed to be effective leaders in health professional education in psychiatry.

Annual Meeting Poster Subcommittee
Charged with reviewing, assessing, and determining poster award winners.

Annual Meeting Works-in-Progress (WIPs) Subcommittee
Charged with reviewing, assessing, and selecting WIP abstracts for presentation during the AAP Annual Meeting.

Annual Meeting Workshop Selection Subcommittee
Charged with reviewing, assessing, and selecting workshop abstracts for presentation during the AAP Annual Meeting.

Awards Committee
Charged with reviewing, assessing, and selecting recipients for Psychiatric Education Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, and Roberts Award.

Career Development Committee
Charged with reviewing, assessing, and determining Career Development Award (formally known as the Jr. Faculty Award) winners. Also charged with creating a comprehensive vision for AAP career development activities, including events held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting and potential expansion year-round. The committee also coordinates and implements the AAP Annual Meeting mentor/mentee activities.

Communications Committee
Charged with creating a comprehensive vision for all AAP communications. The committee will review current internal (within the membership) and external communications (annual meeting – members, non-members) and consider multiple expansion options (e.g., education portal, volunteer database, feedback venue).

IDEA (Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism) Committee
Charged to uphold and promote the values of inclusivity, diversity, equity, and anti-racism throughout academic psychiatry.

Medical Humanities Committee
Charged with reviewing the coordination and awarding of the Medical Student Essay Contest, Annual Meeting activities including the Media Sessions, AAP Book Club, Pre-Meeting activities and other inter- and intra-Annual Meeting activities.

Membership Committee
Charged with reviewing membership recruitment and retention strategies, appointment of Fellows and Distinguished Fellows designations, and coordination of first-timer Annual Meeting activities. The committee supports a diverse and inclusive membership.

Nominating Committee
Charged with reviewing nominations and selecting candidates for election to offices and positions in AAP.

Trainee Engagement Committee
Charged with reviewing, assessing, and determining the Resident Psychiatric Educator Award winners, the Annual Meeting Trainee Meet & Greet event, and other inter- and intra- Annual Meeting activities.

Additional Opportunities

Submit an Abstract for the Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting Program Committee issues a call for workshop, media, works-in-progress, educators' showcase, and poster proposals for the Annual Meeting. The call is issued in December. Watch the AAP home page, for more information and submission directions.

Serve as an Annual Meeting Mentor
Mentors are available during the  AAP Annual Meeting to discuss a variety of topics, including academic careers for clinician-educators, educational research, manuscript preparation, job searches, CV building and grant funding. Mentors agree to meet with mentees formally during the Annual Meeting CV Boot Camp, Mentor Breakfast, and opening session, as well as informally throughout the Annual Meeting.

Serve as an Annual Meeting Feedback/Educational Consultant
Educational consultants are trained to provide meaningful and actionable feedback to annual meeting workshop and media presenters about the structure, materials, and teaching methods (not content) used in their presentations.

Participate in an Interest Group
AAP interest groups include:  Humanities; Innovations in Learning; Medical Student Education.  Each interest group provides a forum for members to discuss topics of common interest on the AAP Member Forum and dedicated session at the AAP Annual Meeting.

Review Medical Student Essay Award Submissions
MSE Award reviewers submit review ratings and comments of assigned submissions and participate in any required conference calls to discuss outcomes and determine award winners.

AAP Leadership Nominations
The Association for Academic Psychiatry (AAP) seeks nominations of AAP Members in good standing as candidates for the following leadership positions within AAP: Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Nominating Committee Member. Descriptions, terms, and duties/responsibilities can be found in the 2023 Leadership Nomination Form. The Leadership Nomination slate will be presented and voted upon at the 2023 AAP Business Meeting on Friday, September 8, 2023.

Deadline for Nominations is July 1, 2023. For additional inquiries, contact Lewis Krain, MD, Nominating Committee Chair.