There is an old saying: the only constant in life is change. Medical education is very different now compared to 20 years ago and the pace of this change will only increase. How will we continue to evolve the field of psychiatric education given the constancy of change? We face challenges with equity, diversity and inclusion with the shifting political climate, ever-increasing pressures on academic psychiatrists, and how artificial intelligence will impact medical education to name just a few. Adapting to change necessitates modifications of current practices, development of new strategies and thoughtful innovation. Sharing your adaptations and innovations allows your community of practice to evolve. It also provides others inspiration to look deeper and to develop their own communities. The theme for our meeting in Milwaukee is Academic Psychiatry: Adapting to Change. Let’s discover these new practices and create dynamic strategies together when we gather at the AAP 2025 Annual Meeting next September.
~ Heidi Combs, MD, MS 2024-2025 AAP President
Meeting Highlights & Information
General Information
Our Objective
AAP’s Annual Meeting is designed for psychiatrists who are interested in learning about academic development, teaching psychiatry, and research on psychiatry education. The meeting is filled with interactive workshops designed to teach a wide array of academic topics. “How To” sessions teach academic and leadership development, use of technology in teaching, resident and faculty teacher development, and a host of other topics in resident and medical student education. The meeting is a wonderful way to interact with academic psychiatrists and psychiatry leaders in a casual and inviting setting filled with accessible workshops, informal sharing, and academic mentoring. It is an ideal venue for residents and fellows to develop an interest in education, junior faculty to launch an education-based career, and senior faculty to expand their skills and meet colleagues from across the country.
Theme: ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY: Adapting to Change
~ Heidi Combs, MD, MS 2024-25 AAP President
Annual Meeting Dates & Locations
Future Meetings
2025: September 10-13, The Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee, WI
2026: September 16-19, The Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT
Lisa Hedrick, Association for Academic Psychiatry