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Psychiatric Education Award



This award, established in 1988, is given to a psychiatric educator or team of educators to honor excellence in impactful psychiatric education that is further exemplified in an outstanding educational project or program. The award acknowledges innovative and exemplary psychiatric educators for their educational projects or programs—at the medical school, residency and faculty development levels, as well as for programs involved in educating non-psychiatrists and/or the general public about psychiatry.

The awardee will receive a $500 honorarium. The winner will also be invited to give a 30-minute presentation, including Q&A, at the meeting. This presentation is held Friday morning of the meeting.

Tips for Nominations
Award Recipients

Nomination Guidelines

Criteria for nomination for the AAP Psychiatric Education Award include evidence of excellence in education that is exemplified in an outstanding education project as described below.

The nominee will be a psychiatric educator recognized for:

  • innovation or leadership
  • associate or full professor, chair, dean or equivalent level
  • long-term, sustained impact on psychiatric education
  • national and/or international reputation in psychiatric education

The nominee’s recognized education project or curriculum will be recognized for:

  • balance between innovation and generalizability (e.g., portable or reasonable to “take home”)
  • impact on psychiatric education evaluation or outcome measures (e.g., satisfaction, change, or other)

Other requirements and information necessary for nomination include:

  • Nominee (designer of the project/program) must be an AAP member
  • Nominee’s name, title, institutional affiliation department’s name, address, phone, and email address
  • Nominee’s curriculum vitae
  • Project/program title, aim, and description (one page).
  • Letter from the nominee’s department chair (or his/her designate) detailing a sustained body of work involving educational endeavors, techniques, or innovations as well as education/administrative duties at the local, national and international levels
  • At least one additional letter of support from other faculty, residents, students, or CME program coordinators is required, but no more than four (4) will be accepted.

Thank you for your interest. The Awards Portal is NOW OPEN! Click here to enter the portal. Submissions for this award will be accepted until APRIL 1, 2025. 

FOR QUESTIONS ONLY, contact Michael Peterson, MD, PhD, Awards Committee Chair.