Medical Student Essay Award
Created to honor outstanding academic promise
Your award includes complimentary registration for the AAP Annual Meeting, and up to $1,000 reimbursement for meeting-related travel and meal expenses.
The theme is: The Art of Communication in Psychiatry: Connecting with the Patient.
Submission Requirements
The contest is open to any student who is both currently enrolled in an accredited medical school (US, Canada, or anywhere in the world) and will be enrolled at the time of the Annual Meeting September 10 - 13, 2025. The work must be an original unpublished essay of 1,000 words or less. Due to an overwhelming response, ONLY ONE SUBMISSION PER STUDENT WILL BE ACCEPTED.
The top essay may be considered for publication in the Academic Psychiatry Journal in "The Learners' Voice" section. Essay winner does not guarantee publication in the Academic Psychiatry Journal. Please review the publication criteria when writing your essay here. Refer to MANUSCRIPT TYPE & GUIDELINES #8 The Learners' Voice.
Essays should be submitted electronically through the JOYN Awards Portal by clicking the link below. Please include a cover page with the following information:
- Student’s Name
- Name of Medical School where enrolled, year in school
- Mailing Address, Phone Number, Email Address
Selection Criteria
Judges will be blinded to the participant and affiliated medical school. Judging will be based on originality, uniqueness, flow of thought, and appropriateness to the theme.
Thank you for your interest. The Awards Portal is NOW OPEN! Click here to enter the portal. Submissions for this award will be accepted until JUNE 1, 2025.
For QUESTIONS ONLY, contact James Haliburton, MD, Medical Student Essay Subcommittee Chair, at All essay submissions must be made through the Award portal.