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Career Development

Message from the Career Development Committee Chair

AAP is committed to supporting the academic development of our members. We know that success in academic psychiatry requires the collaboration, support and mentorship of faculty from both inside and outside of one’s department.  Career Development within AAP works to support development by facilitating these peer connections and mentorship.   We also strive to recognize the accomplishments of our members as they excel in their careers.  Please come join us for a career development event at the Annual Meeting and let us know how we can better support you on your developmental path.

Shaheen Darani, MD

***NEW*** The AAP Educational Scholarship Award

The AAP Educational Scholarship Award was created in 2024 to support the academic career development of junior faculty education scholars.  The goals of this seed grant are to:

  • Stimulate and encourage innovative education scholarship in health professions education (HPE);
  • Provide a mechanism for junior faculty to build their scholarly development and in turn academic career development, and
  • Promote mentorship and scholarly collaborations within the AAP community.

Educational Scholarship for AAP Members
AAP members are encouraged to apply for this award to conduct educational scholarship in HPE. AAP members may collaborate with non-AAP members, but the principal investigator of the educational project submission must be an AAP member. Proposals should be submitted for no more than $6,000 (US currency). Proposals for smaller amounts are encouraged.

Educational Scholarship Project Proposal Considerations

How will the project will benefit psychiatrists, psychiatry trainees, and other health professionals?

How will the project advance the field of education across the learner continuum (i.e., undergraduate, postgraduate/graduate medical education, faculty development, and continuing professional development)?

Application Timeline

November 15, 2025: Applications Open
January 31, 2026: Application Deadline